Description RTLS (Real-Time-Localisation-Systems)

In this course we will cover the following points:

- What is a RTLS System ?
- General Positioning Accuracy
- RTLS Costs/Precision
- RTLS Frequencies
- RTLS Performance
- RTLS Purpose / Goals
- RTLS Benefits
- Triangulation / Angulation or Precision Localisation
- Cell or Zone Based
- Choke Point based
- RFID or WLAN-based
- UWB / Bluetooth based
- e-INS
- Passive Localisation
- Ultra-Sound
- InfraRed
- Combined

Personal Tracking
- Sports
- Industry WIP (Work-In-Progress)

Workplace Safety
- Workplace Safety in Tunnels
- Workplace Safety in Mines, on Oil Platforms

- Asset Management
- Patient Wandering
- Mobile Nurse Call
- Staff Attack
- Baby Watch
- Bed Management
- Animal Tracking
- Automatic Vehicle Identification (AVI)
- Railways / Cars

Special RTLS Systems
- Container Management
- Combat Training

Who should attend?
Managers, looking for RTLS-Benefits at their company / organisation.

CFOs, searching realtime prove for cost analysis and COOs improving quality and safety of their production lines.
Key company personnel selected for the maintenance of RFID hardware device configuration, site surveys/site analysis or tag selection or tag placement selection.
Management-Level professionals responsible for building a company roadmap for RFID deployment.

Prerequisites: Fundamentals

Duration: 1 Day

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Conditions : Kurskonditionen