RFID Applications (102)

Today over 250 different RFID applications exist, from Supply-Chain-Management to transport, warehousing/logistics and from Healthcare to Work-In-Progress, Person-Tracking and Asset Management.

Using RFID today, we will explain from a high level executive approach, the technology and business case that are driving the use of the technology.


This class is for participants who have the following questions:

- What is RFID and it's potential in all major RFID applications industries / fields ?
- What are the RFID benefits in these application industries ?
- How are companies using RFID today in their value chain ?
- What are the future trends in these industries ?
- How can RFID generate additional revenues for my business ?
- Is RFID worth it, and if so, how can it be implemented ?

Who should attend?
Management-Level professionals
Logistics Directors, managers responsible for building a company roadmap for RFID deployment

Prerequisites: Fundamentals

Duration: 1 Day

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Conditions : Kurskonditionen